Frequently Asked Questions on Ideasmarketplace



 What type of ideas can I sell on Ideasmarketplace?

 Any kind of Idea is permitted on the Ideasmarketplace provided it is legal and belongs to you


How long can I advertise my idea on Ideasmarketplace?

For as long as you want. There are no time restrictions for our marketplace as ideas demand to vary periodically.


What are the requirements for selling my idea on Ideasmarketplace?

 Our requirements are basic. After your registration on our platform, you will need to provide the supporting documents and fill in the relevant information related to your idea.


Can I start selling immediately after registration?

No. Your profile will be approved for our marketplace before you can sell/buy.


Are there limits to the number of ideas I can sell on the platform?

No. You can sell as many ideas as you want.


How much does it cost to sell on Ideasmarketplace?

 It is absolutely free! However, we will deduct a small commission (30%) from every successful sale on our platform.


How do I join Ideasmarketplace?

Hit the signup button and provide all the necessary information to complete your registration as a user on our platform.


What documentation do I need to provide for registration?

You will be required to provide a valid means of ID (driver’s license, passport, or national ID).


Can I sell if I am a minor?

No. Only legal adults in their country of residence can transact on Ideasmarketplace..


How do I stop someone else from stealing my idea?

Every user is required to agree to an NDA before viewing your idea. Once done, Ideasmarketplace has the right to sue that entity for intellectual property theft.


 How are my ideas protected on the platform?

Every idea is required to provide a short summary about to give potential buyers a hint of its contents. Full disclosure is done ONLY after an NDA has been signed by both parties. Then after a purchase transaction is completed, the full documentation and rights of the ideas are transferred to the buyer.


Can the intellectual property be shared, divided, or jointly owned?

Yes. The supporting documents will show that, however, Ideasmarketplace will credit only the account number provided in the creator account profile.


How do I purchase an idea?

A simple browse through our marketplace selects an idea that you are interested in and make payment for it.


Can I negotiate the price of an idea?

 Yes. Our platform allows users to counter a bid until both parties are satisfied.


Can I sell unlicensed ideas?

No problem, unlicensed ideas are permitted on our platform. All you need to do is to provide sufficient evidence that you are the original creator.


What is the value of my idea?

On Ideasmarketplace, you are required to put your proposed price on your idea.


I have questions that are not listed here.

Submit your questions to help@ideasmarketplace.co.


I have created my idea but I can’t find it on the marketplace.

After you have created an idea, our team reviews it before placing it on the marketplace. Ideas that fail our approval process will not make it to the marketplace.


Why has my account been suspended/banned?

Users who violate our policies will be removed from the platform to protect other users. These violations include plagiarizing, theft, fraud, harassment, etc.

* What is the Ideapreneurs community?

The Ideapreneurs community is an exclusive community for people who have Ideas (Intellectual Property), Innovators, creatives, product builders, entrepreneurs or enterprises, and enthusiasts in the world of Ideas. Whether you're an operator, a founder, or just interested in Ideas, Innovation, building great products, or improvement of processes, we're here for you!


We believe in the power of collaboration and aim to create a space where we can support and learn from each other, as our ecosystem grows and evolves.


Why should I join the Community 

The Ideapreneurs community is an exclusive community for people who have Ideas (Intellectual Property), Innovators, creatives, product builders, entrepreneurs or enterprises, and enthusiasts. Whether you're an operator, a founder, or just interested in Ideas, Innovation, building great products, or improvement of processes, we're here for you!


We believe in the power of collaboration and aim to create a space where we can support and learn from each other, as our ecosystem grows and evolves.


• How do I become a member of the community 

Simply fill out the form (insert or embed link) after which you get the link to access our exclusive group for the community. We can't wait to welcome you to our community of passionate ideapreneurs, innovators, creatives, and enthusiasts.


• Is there a cost to become a member?


Membership is completely free and open to anyone